If you've ever been to Milwaukee General Mitchell Airport and you are in the right concourse, this is the sign you see as you exit the physical deconstruction area of TSA security check. Given that travel already has its series of check, recheck, did you bring and oh my gosh I forgot lists, scrambling to get your shoes on and make sure you still have your ID and phone and watch and loose change, etc. can be a bit overwhelming for those of us with *Ahem* "control issues."
I always feel a sense of relief seeing this sign. It reminds me to not take myself so damn seriously all the time. Lighten up. Recombobulate, so to speak. Who cares if it's not a word. That's precisely what you do post security checkpoint.
There's a part of me that wants this sign everywhere: on a running marquee during a corporate telecon, taking out the trash when said trash leaves a trail of leaky spots on the stairs. When I need to fold a fitted sheet, talk to an ex, or ask difficult questions to a doctor. Ask for help when I feel helpless.
My world is currently aflame with so many things outside of my control I have lost count - I'm not even going bother itemizing them. Let's just say it's oh, a metric crapton or so to process. But..
The TSA of Life, The Universe, and Everything has just shaken all my possessions and made me put my hands in the air. It's okay to take a moment to get centered. Sit down. Touch my souls and put them back on as grounding. Take inventory. Then breathe, stand up and walk to my gate. Getting ruffled is what you sign up for when you are brave enough to travel. And have a good laugh.
Thank you, General Mitchell Airport.
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